Friday, October 9, 2009

Throwing a Football "Microteaching" Reflection

My "microteaching" on how to throw a football finally happened. I was very grateful that I was able to do it infront of the entire class, so it actually became a "macroteaching". From what I felt and from what I gathered from comments from my classmates was that it went well. I felt great doing it, just thought I stumbled on a few words here and there. But I, along with a few people in the class thought I was very enthusiastic and engaging, which I'm proud of. From the comments, the class seemed to enjoy it and liked the hands on experience with holding the ball but thought it would have been much better if they actually got to throw the ball. Of course I would have loved to have taken them outside so they actually get to throw the ball or at least have more space to get the motion down. Like many future lesson plans though, I would touch it up a bit more and try to get a better sense of timing down. The class was great in that they were very receptive and participating so I had no problems with that. One thing I did take out of it and from thinking about other presentations is keeping my arms less animated. In this lesson I fidgeted with the ball a bit and I realize I do talk with my hand a lot so hopefully it's something I can fix. But overall I was satisfied at how it went.

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