Friday, October 2, 2009

10 Year reflection

So I have this math teacher that's just so much fun! He's really energetic and outgoing and keeps the class always interesting. He's really approachable and really seems like he gives the time to answer your question. The best part about his classes is that we get to talk to learn at our own pace and we get to constantly talk to our friends in class. He encourages EVERYONE to share and talk in class, I used to be really scared of sounding stupid infront of the class but I started to see how everyone is encouraging in class and so I was able to speak up without a worry of sounding stupid. We really learn a lot in our class and it doesn't even seem like we're studying a lot. Mr. Chan has really made the classroom such an interactive place but still such a great way to exchange our ideas in class. It's great that I get to share my ideas to my classmates when I know the topic and it's great that my classmates get to share with me when I don't get the topics. Mr. Chan has really broadened my understanding of math and I was really surprised at how much I knew when it came to our finals. I used to hate math, but now I really like it!

P.S. He's also good looking!

Dear. Ms. Principal,

I have a complaint against Mr. Chan, my math teacher. He doesn't seem to be teaching us anything. It seems like we're always just talking in class and I'm not learning a thing. He's always cracking jokes and they're not even funny. It seems like he doesn't know a lot about math and that's why he's making us do all this group work. I can't believe he makes us talk so much in front of the class too! And his tests are so easy and so narrow in terms of what we learned. All he gives are word problems that are pretty much the same question. I'd like to be transferred to another class, one that teaches faster and one that learns more.

P.S. He's good looking though.

I can see from my hopes that I want to be a teacher that is more intereactive with the class and move away from the traditional classroom way of teaching. I hope to be always outgoing and energetic. But I am worried that I might joke around too much and might not make the curriculum challenging enough though and at the same time might not teach the students exactly what I want to teach.

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